Florida’s Focus on Driving

Published On: July 1, 2019

Today, July 1, 2019 there are 100 new laws taking effect. We encourage you to take a moment to review these new laws here.

The Law Offices of Lucas & Magazine are advocates for those injured by distracted drivers. We’d like to highlight two new statues effective today, July 1, 2019.  The Wireless Communications While Driving Law, will require drivers to put their phones down and focus on driving. Within this new law texting and driving is now a primary offense within the state of Florida, as is operating your phone in school zones and construction zones.

Section 316.305, Florida Statutes allows law enforcement to stop motor vehicles and issue citations to motorists that are texting and driving. A person may not operate a motor vehicle while manually typing or entering multiple letters, numbers or symbols into a wireless communications device to text, email and instant message.

Section 316.306, Florida Statutes, is a prohibition on using wireless communications devices in a handheld manner in school and work zone.  A person may not operate a motor vehicle while using a wireless communications device in a handheld manner in a designated school crossing, school zone or active work zone area.

Law enforcement can now pull over a driver and cite them for operating a vehicle and texting on their cell phone at the same time. Especially if they are traveling through school zones and construction zones. You always want to keep your hands and eyes completely on the road at all times. Particularly within these areas with the new law now in effect. Please review more specifics on this new law so you can educate yourself on its full effects.

You should never take your eyes or attention off the road while driving. Regardless if the vehicle is in motion or not, as the operator you have a responsibility to not only your loved ones but everyone else on the road. Rather than using your phone while behind the wheel, take a few moments to pull over if you need to use your phone. Recruit help from a passenger in your car to assist with perhaps navigation or responding to an alert on your phone. Although phones have become a necessity, safety should always be the priority when operating a vehicle

Texting and driving distract the driver visually, manually and cognitively. With so many distractions texting and driving is one of the most dangerous distracted driving behaviors so many people have condoned. When a driver’s focus is away from the road, their perception and reaction responses are greatly reduced.