Our Legal Blog

02, 2022

Your Legal Options After a Sideswipe Collision

February 24, 2022
Car Accidents

Although motor vehicle accidents often result in devastating injuries and excruciating pain, some people do not treat all of these accidents equally. In fact, one of the most overlooked types of car accidents on the road is a TSGLI sideswipe accident. Many people tend to assume that these accidents are not [...]

02, 2022

How a V.A. Lawyer Can Help You Use a TSGLI Calculator

February 23, 2022
Insurance Bad Faith

TSGLI, also known as Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection, is a form of insurance that provides short-term financial support to help eligible service members recover from a traumatic injury. This insurance applies no matter if the injury occurred in the line of duty or off duty. However, not [...]

02, 2022

UPS Truck Accident Claim

February 22, 2022
Personal Injury Law

UPS is one of the largest delivery services in the world. They have about 125,000 delivery vehicles on the road. This explains why this company’s trucks get into so many accidents. Claiming compensation after a UPS accident can be challenging. UPS are not short of lawyers to deal with accident [...]

02, 2022

How Workers’ Comp Will Affect Your Florida Personal Injury Claim

February 16, 2022
Personal Injury Law

After an accident or an injury, you must prove fault before filing an insurance claim or a lawsuit against the offender. Negligence law applies to nearly all types of personal injuries, including: Automotive accidents Slip-and-fall injuries Construction accidents Assault Dog bites However, establishing fault isn’t integral when it comes to [...]

02, 2022

Reckless Driving

February 15, 2022
Car Accidents

The vast majority of motor vehicle accidents are the result of human error. The types of human errors that commonly cause accidents often involve an instant of distraction while responding to a text, failing to yield the right-of-way, or following too closely. Unfortunately, other types of accidents result in someone [...]

02, 2022

Amazon Truck Accident Claims

February 8, 2022
Personal Injury Law

Amazon is among the largest online retailers in the world. Amazon trucks deliver millions of packages in different locations of the United States, which means an increased number of truck accidents every year. With the increased number of packages delivered, their delivery turnaround speed keeps becoming faster every day. For [...]

02, 2022

Your TSGLI Procedures Guide

February 4, 2022
Personal Injury Law

Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI) is a type of insurance that provides financial help for service members recovering from severe injuries. The financial help is short-term Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance includes TSGLI while the service member is on active duty. Congress established this short-term financial help to [...]

12, 2021

Are Any Injuries Excluded From TSGLI?

December 13, 2021
Lucas, Macyszyn & Dyer

TSGLI is a form of insurance that covers service members who suffered a traumatic injury while in service, whether the injury occurred when in line of duty or off duty. Congress created the insurance benefits program in 2005, aiming to assist servicemembers with serious traumatic and brain injuries. In conjunction [...]

12, 2021

Facts About Semi-Trucks and Accidents

What Is a Semi-Truck? Semi-trucks are large, potentially dangerous vehicles that share the road with normal drivers. But what are they actually? The two primary sections of a semi-truck are a semi-tractor providing horsepower and a truck for transporting the materials it is carrying. Reach out to a New Port [...]

11, 2021

Truck Driver Fatigue and Its Impact on Others on the Road

November 25, 2021
Truck Accidents

Truck drivers have a hard job. They spend their days on the road, often hauling huge amounts of cargo to its destination. When fatigue sets in, they must often remain behind the wheel, pushing toward their destinations. Unfortunately, that fatigue can pose substantial problems for many of the others on [...]

11, 2021

Am I Eligible for TSGLI?

November 10, 2021
Personal Injury Law

Many people experience injuries while they serve in the armed forces. Some accidents result in debilitating injuries. A person has to suffer from emotional anguish and deal with expensive healthcare treatment. If you have a traumatic injury, you do not need to face the economic burden alone. The military does [...]

10, 2021

Common Types of Injuries

October 23, 2021
Personal Injury Law

When You Need a Lawyer to Help Recover Compensation A serious accident can completely change the course of your life. Serious injuries can cause immense complications: preventing you from working, interfering with your ability to engage in common leisure activities, or even making it difficult for you to spend time [...]