How Our Lawyers Handle a Farmers Injury Claim

Published On: February 5, 2024

Farmers Insurance is one of the largest and most popular insurance companies in the United States. The company’s website says Farmers Insurance serves over 10 million households with 19 million individual policies across 50 states. If Farmers Insurance insures you, you can choose between different types of insurance, including automobile, home, and commercial insurance.

Given the fact that Farmers Insurance earns billions of dollars from direct premiums alone, many policyholders mistakenly believe the company will be willing to pay out enough to fairly compensate them when they file a claim.

However, like any other insurance company, Farmers Insurance works to protect its bottom line, so you should not be surprised if the company fights back when you file a claim. When you make your claim, chances are Farmers Insurance will not make it easy for you to get the compensation to which you are entitled.

Fortunately, there is a way to protect your right to compensation and ensure that you are (1) properly compensated and (2) treated with dignity and respect during the claims process.

This, however, will require you to work with a New Port Richey personal injury lawyer to help deal with Farmers Insurance. In this post, we will discuss the challenges you may face when filing a claim with Farmers Insurance and explain how a lawyer can help you handle your claim while you focus on your recovery.

Filing a Claim with Farmers Insurance

When you get injured, and you or the party responsible for your injury is insured by Farmers Insurance, you might wonder, “How do I file a claim with Farmers Insurance?” The claims filing process may seem confusing to those filing a claim with Farmers Insurance for the first time.

The insurance provider allows people to file claims in one of three ways:

How Our Lawyers Handle a Farmers Injury Claim

  • Call the company by phone. The first – and perhaps the easiest – way to initiate the claims process is to call Farmers Insurance at 800-435-7764 to report a claim to the company’s agent. Farmers Insurance is available 24/7 to accept claims over the phone. The company’s agent will explain your next steps during the phone conversation.
  • Use the company’s website. The second way to file a claim is to use the Farmers Insurance website. This option is the most recommended because it helps document everything related to your claim, including the company’s responses. Once you fill out a form on the company’s website, you can track the status of your claim online.
  • Using the company’s mobile app. The third – and the most preferred – way is to use Farmers Insurance’s mobile app, which is available to iOS and Android users. As in the second option (using the website), you can ensure that everything is well documented when using the company’s mobile app. This option is also convenient because you can upload the photos taken at the scene of your accident with your phone to the app directly from your phone.

When making a claim with Farmers Insurance, you will be requested to provide certain information about yourself and the details of your accident.

Some of the information Farmers Insurance may require you to provide to file a claim include:

  • Your insurance policy number
  • Your full name and address
  • The full name of the other party involved in the accident, if any
  • The date and location of your accident
  • The names and contact information of the witnesses
  • Photos of property damage
  • Copies of your medical records (if you suffered an injury)
  • Information about where and when you sought medical treatment after the accident (if you suffered an injury)
  • The make and model of every vehicle involved in the accident (in car crashes)
  • A copy of the police or accident report if you have one

To simplify the process, you should prepare all this information before filing your claim. However, you may not have all the information available when making a claim with Farmers Insurance.

That is why you might need the assistance of a lawyer to help you gather and obtain all the information you cannot get on your own (like a copy of the police report) and prepare all the paperwork for your claim.

What Compensation Can You Recover from Farmers Insurance?

Once you file a claim with Farmers Insurance, the company will usually assign an insurance adjuster to your case. The adjuster will evaluate all the information you provide when making your claim and investigate the circumstances of your accident to confirm the validity of your claim and determine how much Farmers Insurance should pay you in compensation.

During their evaluations and investigation, adjusters might interview witnesses and talk to vehicle damage inspectors and your medical providers to assess the extent of the property damage and the severity of your injuries.

The compensation you can recover from Farmers Insurance depends on the extent of property damage, severity of injuries, the details surrounding your accident, and the policies involved.

For example, when filing a claim for compensation after an auto accident in which you suffered injuries, you can recover the following damages:

  • The cost of medical care (past medical bills)
  • Ongoing medical expenses
  • Loss of income
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering

You might want to work with a lawyer to help you understand what you can expect from your claim and determine how much your claim is worth to avoid settling for less than you deserve.

How a Lawyer Can Help You with Your Claim with Farmers Insurance

Here are some of the ways a lawyer can help you when dealing with your Farmers Insurance injury claim:

  1. Case evaluation. When you contact a lawyer, the first thing they do is evaluate your case and explain how you should proceed with your claim. Many lawyers offer free initial consultations, which is why you have an opportunity to discuss your case free of charge. Once the lawyer learns more about your case, they can advise you on the potential value of your claim and the strategies you can use to maximize your compensation.
  2. Gather evidence. Collecting evidence and preparing the paperwork for your claim are some of the most daunting aspects of filing a claim with Farmers Insurance. The insurance company may require considerable documentation to support the claim. It can add unnecessary stress to your life and impede your recovery, so you might want to retain a lawyer to help you with this aspect of the claims process.
  3. Dealing with insurance adjusters. Remember that the insurance adjuster assigned to your case by Farmers Insurance is not your friend, even if they seem friendly and concerned. For this reason, expect the adjuster to use various strategies and tactics to deny giving you the compensation that is rightfully yours. Your lawyer will help you deal with insurance adjusters so you don’t have to. This will help you avoid falling prey to their dishonest tactics and cunning strategies.
  4. Negotiations. A lawyer with strong negotiation skills can negotiate with Farmers Insurance and its adjusters on your behalf from a position of strength. Lawyers are aware of the various tactics used by insurers during the negotiation stage to minimize payouts or even leave the policyholder with no compensation whatsoever. Attempting to handle negotiations on your own can be risky as the outcome of your negotiations will affect your ability to pay your medical bills and the quality of your post-accident life overall.
  5. Representation in court. When negotiations with Farmers Insurance do not produce a favorable settlement, you will likely need to prepare for litigation. Your lawyer can advise you on whether filing a lawsuit is the right course of action and, if so, will represent your best interests in court. With a lawyer on your side, you can effectively present your case to the judge or jury to increase the chances of getting the compensation you deserve.

If your injury claim proceeds to court, it is critical to be mindful of the statute of limitations, which limits your time to file a lawsuit. The time limit differs from one state to another but is generally between two to four years. Florida, for example, has a two-year statute of limitations for injury claims (Fla. Stat. § 95.11).

What to Do if Farmers Insurance Denies Your Injury Claim?

What to Do if Farmers Insurance Denies Your Injury Claim

If you get a letter, email, or phone call notifying you that Farmers Insurance denied your injury claim, you should first contact a lawyer.

Your lawyer will help you understand the reasons behind the denial and explain ways to appeal the company’s decision.

  • Minor problems with the claim. Often, Farmers Insurance denies claims due to insufficient information or documentation provided by the policyholder when making their claim. When missing or incomplete information caused the denial, sending additional documentation to the insurer may be enough to get your claim approved.
  • Serious problems with the claim. However, if the reason behind the denial is more serious, appealing the company’s decision will not be that easy and may require the assistance of a skilled lawyer. For example, if Farmers Insurance believes you were responsible for your injuries, you will need a lawyer’s help to prove otherwise. If the claim is denied because you missed the deadline for reporting the accident or filing your claim, your lawyer can get an extension by showing you had a legitimate reason for the delay.

Understanding the reasons Farmers Insurance denied your injury claim will help you challenge the denial more effectively, and working with a lawyer can give you the best chance of successfully appealing your denied claim.

Your lawyer will draft an appeal letter that informs the insurer that you disagree with the denial of your claim and present arguments to convince the company to give your claim a second chance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Filing a Claim with Farmers Insurance

Below, we have compiled a list of some of the most common questions people ask lawyers when dealing with Farmers Insurance.

Will filing a claim with Farmers Insurance affect my premium?

It can, but there is no guarantee it will. Insurance companies, including Farmers Insurance, consider various factors when deciding whether or not to increase a policyholder’s premium.

Some of these factors include the number of claims made within a certain time period, your driving record (for auto insurance), whether you are at fault for the accident and many others.

Do I need a police report when filing a claim with Farmers Insurance?

Farmers Insurance will likely ask you for a copy of a police report when accepting your compensation claim. Police reports help insurance companies confirm that the accident for which you are making your claim actually happened and the information you provide to the company is accurate.

How much do I have to report my accident to Farmers Insurance?

Please check your insurance policy for exact reporting requirements and deadlines for your specific case. Generally, however, Farmers Insurance requires policyholders to make claims within a “reasonable amount of time.”

What happens if I do not report my accident within the applicable time limit?

Failure to report your accident to Farmers Insurance within the time limit prescribed in your policy can lead to the denial of your claim. If you missed the deadline, the time limit can be extended if you have valid reasons to explain the delay.

How long will Farmers Insurance take to process my claim?

Lawyer Hali Marsocci
Hali Marsocci, New Port Richey Personal Injury Attorney

The claim process time varies depending on many variables, including the complexity of your case and the amount of documentation provided to Farmers Insurance for review when making your claim. Generally, Farmers Insurance may need a few days or, in some cases, several weeks to process your claim.

How much does hiring a lawyer to handle my Farmers Insurance claim cost?

Attorney’s fees vary greatly from one lawyer to another. However, many lawyers assist clients with the claims process on a contingency fee basis. This means you do not pay your lawyer anything unless they get a favorable resolution of your case. The lawyer’s contingency fee often equals a fixed percentage of the client’s recovery amount.