How Much Can You Sue for a Dog Attack?

Published On: August 14, 2024

If you or your child were recently bitten or attacked by a dog, you may be experiencing a lot of pain and trauma. You may also wonder how much you can sue for after a dog attack.

Many dog bite and attack cases settle outside of court, never requiring the injured party to file a lawsuit and formally sue the dog’s owner.

To determine how much your dog attack claim might recover and if your case might settle out of court, reach out to a knowledgeable dog attack attorney or a personal injury lawyer in the Spring Hill area.

Dog Attack Injuries

How Much Can You Sue for a Dog Attack

In the U.S., approximately 69 million households own dogs, according to the American Pet Products Association’s recent Pet Owners Survey. The American Veterinary Medical Association reports that nearly 85 million dogs live in U.S. households.

While dogs may often be a man’s best friend, they unfortunately still pose risks. Approximately 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year, most of them are children.

In a dog bite attack, a wide range of injuries can occur. Since dogs primarily use their teeth and often target specific areas like the face, head, hands, arms, and legs, facial injuries are particularly common.

Additionally, the following injuries frequently result:

  • Scarring, lacerations, and cuts: Scarring from dog bites can range from superficial marks to deep, permanent disfigurements. Lacerations and cuts may require sutures or surgical intervention to promote proper healing.
  • Nerve damage: Dog bites can lead to nerve injuries, causing pain, numbness, weakness, or even loss of function in the affected area. Severe cases may require surgical repair or nerve grafts.
  • Crush injuries to bones: When a dog applies significant force during a bite, bones in the affected area can suffer crush injuries, potentially leading to fractures, bone fragments, and the need for extensive reconstructive surgery.
  • Infection of bite wounds: Dog bites can introduce bacteria into the body, potentially causing severe infections like rabies, Capnocytophaga, Pasteurella, MRSA, and tetanus. Immediate medical attention and antibiotics are crucial to prevent complications.
  • Fractures, broken bones, and dislocations: The force of a dog bite can result in fractures, breaks, or dislocations, often requiring surgical intervention, immobilization, and extensive rehabilitation.
  • Loss of eye(s) or limbs: Severe dog attacks can lead to traumatic injuries, including the loss of eyesight or limbs. These life-altering injuries often require ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, and psychological support.
  • Tendon damage: Dog bites can injure tendons, affecting joint function and mobility. Repairing damaged tendons may involve surgical intervention and prolonged rehabilitation.
  • Head trauma: Forceful dog bites to the head can lead to head injuries, ranging from concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries. Depending on the severity, treatment may involve medical management or even neurosurgery.
  • Muscle sprains and strains: The force of a dog bite can cause muscle injuries, resulting in pain, swelling, and limited range of motion. Physical therapy and rehabilitation may be necessary for recovery.
  • Puncture wounds: Puncture wounds from dog bites may appear minor. However, they can lead to deep tissue damage, infections, and potential complications if not adequately treated.
  • Permanent scarring: Dog bite injuries often result in permanent scars, which can have significant emotional and psychological impact on the victim, affecting self-esteem and body image.
  • Disfigurement: Severe dog bite injuries can lead to disfigurement, altering the victim’s physical appearance and potentially requiring reconstructive surgery and long-term emotional support.
  • Amputation and avulsion injuries: Extreme dog attacks may result in traumatic injuries requiring amputation, where a limb or extremity is partially or entirely removed. Avulsion injuries involve the tearing away of tissue.
  • Soft tissue damage: Dog bites can cause extensive damage to soft tissues, including muscles, ligaments, and blood vessels. Repair and rehabilitation may be necessary to restore function and prevent complications.
  • Severe emotional distress: Dog bite victims often experience profound emotional distress, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You may require therapy and counseling. Victims of severe dog attacks may develop post-traumatic stress, experiencing flashbacks, nightmares, and heightened anxiety. Mental health support and therapy can treat these symptoms and their underlying causes.

Many of these injuries have the potential to be permanently disfiguring. Moreover, the emotional trauma resulting from a dog bite attack can have enduring effects.

Severely infected bite wounds can lead to permanent health issues or, in extreme cases, death. Always seek proper medical attention and legal counsel to address these complex and potentially life-altering consequences.

Dog Bite Settlement Process

Understanding the process of dog bite and attack settlements is crucial for victims seeking compensation. Here’s a breakdown of how it generally works

Legal Claim for Compensation

Dog bite victims can pursue a legal claim against the dog owner for compensation. The specific rules governing liability may vary by state. Some states follow a one-bite rule, while others impose strict liability.

One-bite rule states hold owners accountable if they had prior knowledge of their dog’s aggression and were negligent in preventing an attack. In contrast, strict liability states hold owners responsible regardless of their prior knowledge or negligence.

Options for Resolution

Victims have two primary options for seeking compensation: they can either file a dog bite lawsuit and go to trial, or they can opt for an out-of-court settlement. The choice often depends on individual circumstances and preferences.

The Role of Insurance

Typically, the homeowner’s or renter’s insurance of the dog owner covers damages resulting from a dog bite, provided the owner has liability coverage. The insurance company will assess the situation and may extend a settlement offer if they anticipate liability under state laws.

Settlement Offer and Negotiation

The insurer will propose a specific amount of compensation to the victim in exchange for the victim giving up their rights to any further claims. This offer avoids the complexities, stress, and uncertainties associated with court proceedings and gives the insurance company more control over the outcome.

Factors Influencing a Settlement

Victims often consider accepting a settlement offer due to various factors, including the desire to avoid the emotional strain and time commitment associated with a trial. Similarly, insurance companies prefer settlements to have clarity on the amount they must pay without undergoing costly and lengthy legal processes.

Legal Representation

Having legal representation is crucial throughout the dog bite settlement process. An attorney can help assess the fairness of the settlement offer, negotiate on behalf of the victim, and protect your rights.

Finalizing the Settlement

If both parties agree to the settlement terms, the process moves forward to finalize the agreement. This involves drafting legal documents that outline the terms and conditions of the settlement.

Once the settlement is final, the insurance company will disburse the agreed-upon compensation to the victim, providing them with the financial support needed for recovery, medical expenses, and any other applicable damages.

It’s important to note that while these steps provide a general overview, each dog bite case is unique, and the process may vary based on specific circumstances and applicable state laws. Seek legal advice from a qualified attorney to navigate the complexities of a dog bite claim.

Variables Influencing Dog Bite Settlement Amounts

While every dog bite victim needs compensation for their suffering, numerous factors come into play, leading to a broad range of settlement amounts for such cases.

The following vital determinants significantly affect the amount of your dog attack settlement:

Insurance Coverage

Typically, homeowners, renters, or other property insurance covers losses resulting from dog bites. However, the policy’s liability coverage limits might restrict the payout amount.

In cases where the dog owner lacks adequate insurance or is uninsured, it can limit the available funds to compensate the victim. This situation may necessitate the victim seeking compensation directly from the dog owner, who might have limited financial resources. In these cases, get an experienced dog attack attorney on your side.


The laws of their respective states determine if and how to hold dog owners liable. One-bite states can absolve owners of accountability without proof of negligence. Clear liability makes insurers more inclined to offer a generous settlement as they recognize the potential likelihood of an adverse court ruling.

Severity of Injuries

The extent of your injuries is a significant factor in determining the compensation for a dog bite. Settlements for minor dog bites are typically lower, reflecting the less severe nature of the injuries. In contrast, incidents involving significant bites, particularly in sensitive areas like the face, involve more serious, traumatic, and costly implications.

Financial Loss

The magnitude of your financial losses also significantly influences the settlement amount. A comprehensive settlement should address all actual financial losses incurred. This encompasses both economic and non-economic damages.

For instance, if your injuries lead to an inability to work and necessitate extensive and costly plastic surgery, the compensation required to make you whole will understandably be greater than someone with less severe injuries who swiftly returned to work without extensive medical intervention.

Considering all of these factors, it’s essential to engage a skilled dog attack attorney who can navigate these complexities to secure the compensation you rightfully deserve after a dog bite incident.

Compensable Damages in a Dog Attack Case

Damages refer to the monetary compensation awarded to a party in a civil lawsuit or through a settlement as a remedy for the harm, loss, or injury they have suffered due to the wrongful conduct of another party. Damages provide financial relief to the injured party and help them recover from the consequences of the wrongdoing.

Medical Expenses

The cost of medical treatment directly related to the dog bite constitutes a crucial element in assessing the case’s worth, including expenses for emergency care, hospitalization, surgical procedures, medications, rehabilitation, and any potential future medical costs stemming from the injury.

Lost Wages and Income

Should the dog bite lead to missed work or an impact on your earning capacity, you may be eligible for compensation covering both the income already lost and any potential future earnings affected by the injury.

Pain and Suffering

Non-economic damages contribute significantly to the claim’s value, including physical pain, emotional distress, humiliation, loss of life’s enjoyment, and mental anguish resulting from the dog bite. The severity, long-term repercussions, and psychological toll on your life determine the appropriate compensation for pain and suffering.

Scarring and Disfigurement

In cases where the dog bite leads to permanent scarring or disfigurement, the visibility and extent of the scars influence the case’s valuation. Noticeable scarring or disfigurement often results in higher compensation.

Permanent Impairment or Disability

Suppose the dog bite results in a lasting impairment or disability that hinders your ability to carry out daily activities, work, or derive enjoyment from life. In that case, it can significantly increase the case’s value.

These considerations play a critical role in determining the full and fair compensation you may recover after suffering a dog bite attack. Your attorney will carefully assess each factor to ensure they consider all effects on your life when seeking compensation on your behalf.

Christopher Dyer - Lawyer near Spring Hill, FL area
Christopher C. Dyer, Personal Injury Lawyer in Spring Hill

It’s important to note that the specific types and availability of damages may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the legal claim. In any legal case, the awarded damages aim to restore the injured party to a position as close as possible to the one they were in before the wrongful act occurred.

FAQ: Dog Attack Lawsuits and Settlements

Q1: How common are dog attacks in the United States?

A: Approximately 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the U.S., with children being the most common victims.

Q2: What types of injuries can result from a dog attack?

A: Common injuries include:

  • Scarring and lacerations
  • Nerve damage
  • Crush injuries to bones
  • Infections
  • Fractures and dislocations
  • Loss of eye(s) or limbs
  • Tendon damage
  • Head trauma
  • Muscle sprains and strains
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Emotional distress and PTSD

Q3: How is liability determined in a dog attack case?

A: Liability depends on state laws. Some states follow a “one-bite rule,” where owners are held accountable if they had prior knowledge of their dog’s aggression. Other states impose “strict liability,” holding owners responsible regardless of prior knowledge.

Q4: Do I need to file a lawsuit to get compensation for a dog attack?

A: Not necessarily. Many dog bite cases settle out of court without filing a formal lawsuit. However, you may need to file a lawsuit if a settlement cannot be reached.

Q5: What factors influence the settlement amount in a dog attack case?

A: Key factors include:

  • Insurance coverage
  • Liability under state laws
  • Severity of injuries
  • Financial losses incurred
  • Extent of medical expenses
  • Lost wages and income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Permanent impairment or disability

Q6: What types of damages can I claim in a dog attack case?

A: Compensable damages may include:

  • Medical expenses (current and future)
  • Lost wages and income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Scarring and disfigurement compensation
  • Compensation for permanent impairment or disability

Q7: Who typically pays for damages in a dog attack case?

A: Usually, the dog owner’s homeowner’s or renter’s insurance covers damages resulting from a dog bite, provided the owner has liability coverage.

Q8: Should I hire an attorney for my dog attack case?

A: Yes, it’s advisable to hire an experienced dog attack or personal injury attorney. They can help assess the fairness of settlement offers, negotiate on your behalf, and protect your rights throughout the process.

Q9: How long do I have to file a claim after a dog attack?

A: The time limit (statute of limitations) varies by state. It’s best to consult with an attorney as soon as possible after the incident to ensure you don’t miss any deadlines.

Q10: What should I do immediately after a dog attack?

A: Seek medical attention immediately, document your injuries, report the incident to local authorities, and consider consulting with a dog attack attorney to understand your rights and options for compensation.

Contact a Seasoned Dog Bite Attorney Today

After suffering a dog bite or attack, seeking legal help should be a priority after getting the medical care you need. An attorney can explain the dog bite laws in your stand and protect your rights while maximizing your injury compensation. Get your dog bite claim started today by scheduling a consultation today.