How Much Will I Get for Pain and Suffering from a Car Accident?

07, 2024

How Much Will I Get for Pain and Suffering from a Car Accident?

If you have suffered an injury in a car crash, you’re probably feeling lots of stress and uncertainty. On top of medical bills and vehicle repairs, you may wonder about [...]

04, 2024

​How Much Does Car Insurance Go Up After an Accident?

A million thoughts may cross your mind simultaneously when you’re involved in a collision. Among these many thoughts, you may wonder how much does insurance go up after an accident? [...]

05, 2023

What Is Considered Road Rage?

​You’ve likely heard of numerous car accidents and deaths associated with road rage. An internet search of road rage in Florida will produce countless articles and news reports of the [...]

05, 2023

​Do I Call My Insurance if an Accident is Not My Fault?

A million thoughts cross your mind when you are in a car accident. Among these thoughts, you may wonder, do I call my insurance if an accident is not my [...]

04, 2023

​What Are the Most Common Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents?

Car accidents can occur at any moment and completely change your life. In one recent year, four people suffered an injury every minute in traffic accidents, with one person dying [...]