How Often Do Car Accident Claims Go to Court?

03, 2024

How Often Do Car Accident Claims Go to Court?

March 26, 2024
Car Accidents

There are at least six million motor vehicle accidents annually in the United States. The vast majority of them cause property damage only, but many also involve injuries and fatalities. [...]

03, 2024

What Can a Lawyer Do for You After a Car Accident?

March 20, 2024
Car Accidents

You have been in a car crash. Now what? You might have been told to contact a lawyer to navigate the aftermath. However, you might not know whether or not [...]

03, 2024

What Should I Not Tell My Insurance Company After an Accident?

March 12, 2024
Car Accidents

After being in a car accident, dealing with your insurance company is one of the most tedious and overwhelming steps of the post-accident process. While you might think your insurance [...]

03, 2024

Should I Take the First Offer of a Car Accident Settlement?

March 5, 2024
Car Accidents

As a victim of a car accident, you may find yourself dealing with painful injuries, physical discomfort, emotional effects, and financial burdens. At some point, you will also have to [...]

02, 2024

What Do I Do If an Airbag Didn’t Deploy in an Accident?

February 10, 2024
Car Accidents

As a driver, you expect your airbags to deploy and protect you and other occupants of your vehicle in the event of a collision. Unfortunately, that is not always the [...]

01, 2024

What Do Car Accident Lawyers Do?

January 16, 2024
Car Accidents

Car accident lawyers in Port Richey regularly handle matters that arise from traffic collisions. They are the go-to professionals that can make a major difference in the outcome of a [...]

01, 2024

What Questions Should I Ask My Car Accident Attorney?

January 11, 2024
Car Accidents

You were in an auto accident – one where the other party is at fault, where you suffered injuries and property damage. Do you file an insurance claim? Should you [...]

12, 2023

Where Do Car Accidents Most Occur in New Port Richey?

December 22, 2023
Car Accidents

New Port Richey is a busy city along Florida’s Gulf Coast. Unfortunately, the hustle and bustle of this popular destination means locals and visitors alike are at serious risk of [...]

12, 2023

Intersection Accidents and Injuries

December 8, 2023
Car Accidents

Intersection accidents are among the most dangerous types of road incidents due to the convergence of traffic from multiple directions. This complexity increases the risk of high-impact collisions that result [...]

10, 2023

What to Do if a Car Hits You from Behind?

October 26, 2023
Car Accidents

Involvement in a serious car accident can leave you with many overwhelming tasks and concerns. Between arranging vehicle repairs and considering alternative transportation, always seek prompt medical attention and legal [...]