Our Legal Blog

09, 2023

How Our Lawyers Handle a State Farm Injury Claim

September 1, 2023
Personal Injury Law

State Farm started business in 1922 and is currently the largest car insurance company in the U.S., so you or the other party in a car accident may have a State Farm insurance policy. If you are in an accident where you’ve sustained injuries, and you or the other driver [...]

08, 2023

What Is the Difference Between a Class Action Lawsuit and an MDL?

August 28, 2023
Legal Advice

Many people think of a class action lawsuit interchangeably with multidistrict litigation. Since they are familiar with a class action, they automatically think that any large-scale litigation against a defendant is a class action case. A class action is one single lawsuit an entire class brings, while MDL is a [...]

08, 2023

How Do You File a Claim After a Defective Tire Caused Your Car Accident?

August 25, 2023
Defective Product

When driving along a highway, you often see pieces of tire on the side of the road. Much of this debris comes from tire blowouts, where the tire comes apart while driving. These blowouts caused immense risk for the driver and others around them on the road. Some drivers do [...]

08, 2023

Why You Need a Lawyer After a Slip and Fall at Walmart

August 22, 2023
Premises Liability

Many shoppers slip and fall in Walmart stores each year, often suffering serious and costly injuries. Walmarts are expansive stores with many aisles, sections, and employees. While employees should regularly inspect the store for possible fall hazards, this does not always happen. Unsuspecting customers can suddenly end up on the [...]

08, 2023

What Is Premises Liability Law?

August 17, 2023
Premises Liability

When someone owns or leases property and allows others on it, they owe visitors a duty of care. It does not matter whether they send you a personalized invitation. When they open their premises to the public and you enter, they assume a legal obligation to you. So long as [...]

07, 2023

How Much Is My Nursing Home Abuse Claim Worth?

The value of each nursing home abuse case is different. Each victim suffers unique economic and non-economic damages, and the details of these damages determine the claim’s value. A nursing home abuse lawyer will review the victim’s damages and calculate an appropriate settlement target. Calculating these damages may be difficult [...]

07, 2023

Is It Hard to Win a Slip and Fall Case?

July 7, 2023
Premises Liability

Several factors will determine whether winning your slip and fall case is hard. The strength of evidence is one key factor in determining how difficult it is to get compensation for a slip and fall accident victim. The effectiveness of your slip and fall accident lawyer is another factor that [...]

07, 2023

What Are the Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents?

Common causes of pedestrian accidents include poor lighting, congestion between motor vehicles and pedestrians, and dangerous driver behaviors. In most cases, motorists have the control to cause or prevent pedestrian accidents. If you or a loved one were in a pedestrian accident, an attorney can establish the cause and identify [...]

07, 2023

How Will the Homeowner’s Insurance Affect Your Slip and Fall Claim?

July 1, 2023
Premises Liability

Homeowner’s insurance (or the lack thereof) will have immense implications for your slip and fall claim. The primary question is whether the owner of the home where you fell has homeowner’s insurance. Other questions to consider are which insurer provides the homeowner’s insurance and the coverage limits. These questions may [...]

06, 2023

How Much Does a Lawyer Cost for a Car Accident?

June 9, 2023
Car Accidents

You suffered injuries in a car accident someone else caused, and you want to pursue financial compensation for your injuries and losses. Considering the complex challenges of successfully navigating a car accident claim, you stand a much better chance of getting favorable results quicker if you hire an experienced car [...]

06, 2023

How Much Should I Ask for in a Car Accident Settlement?

June 7, 2023
Car Accidents

Following a car accident someone else caused in Florida, you may obtain compensation for your injuries, losses, and other damages. Since insurance covers virtually all car accident claims, you will have an attorney file an injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company and negotiate to get the highest amount [...]

06, 2023

How Long Do Pedestrian Accident Claims Take to Settle?

If a negligent vehicle driver struck and injured you while you were walking across the street in Florida, you might consider your options for obtaining compensation for your injuries. You may pursue compensation by having an attorney file an injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Most injury claims [...]